Ecclesiastes: The Message From the Broken Preacher!

Ecclesiastes 1:1-2, 12-18 (NKJV) says, “1The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher;  “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
Solomon is credited for penning the book of Ecclesiastes, and in some commentaries he is presented as the “Backslidden Preacher”, but if that were the case, why would a backsliding preacher’s message be canonized in our Bible for us to read? It is one thing to glean from the failures of the lives of those written in scripture, but it is another for us to hold onto their words in a fallen state as absolute truth? What is necessary in the kingdom now more than ever is the transparency of believers, in particular leaders! Ecclesiastes is not the message of a backslidden preacher, but a broken one! Solomon looked back on his life and was broken concerning how he had wasted years pursuing things, such as greatness and legacy, when he should have been pursuing his first love, the very glory that filled the temple insomuch that the ministers could not stand to minister!
Too often preachers are preaching “to”, “down” or “at” rather than preaching “from.” Just as in the case of Solomon, what the world needs is not our knowledge or wisdom, but our transparency, our ability to relate to their brokenness and pain. It is why you overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony (Revelation 12:11). It started with the blood, but it finishes with your word, saying how God brought you from that place!
If you want to read into the life of Solomon, here are some lessons from his journey in life:
  1. He was the seed of an adulterous affair between David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:24). Your background doesn’t have to determine any success you can have for the kingdom of God!
  2. God had promised through David that his son would reign in an age of peace, and he would build Him a temple (1 Chronicles 22:8). David wanted to do it, but he couldn’t because he had shed so much blood! Causing strife and warring in the flesh will keep you from building and expanding the kingdom of God!
  3. God was willing to give Solomon anything that he ever wanted, and he desired wisdom to rule God’s people (1 Kings 3:5-15)! Since he didn’t ask for riches, wealth and fame, God would give Solomon that too! His wisdom would produce the finances and wealth necessary to build the temple. Your gift will make room for you, allow you to contribute in expanding the kingdom!
  4. After the temple was complete and it was being dedicated to God, the glory of God was so thick in the building that the ministers could not even stand to minister (1 Kings 8:11)! It was no longer about setting up and tearing down a tabernacle, but now a home was constructed!
  5. Instead of guarding the blessing with the gift, the blessing became an idol in Solomon’s life (1 Kings 11:3). It caused him to become prideful as a king, marrying 700 women and having 300 concubines. This caused him to go after their gods and forsake the glory he once knew!
  6. By the end of this journey, everything became vanity. The idols and the women left him empty because the glory lifted!
We can glean a great deal of life lessons from Solomon, but his message speaks volumes today. “All is vanity.” Undoubtedly, this book was written towards the latter part of his life, and he had a lot to say in regards to how much time and energy he wasted on things that did not hold any eternal value! Here are some of the vanities Solomon mentions:
  1. The work and labor under the sun (1:14; 2:11, 17, 21-23, 26) 
  2. Pursuing human wisdom (2:15-16, 19)
  3. Busying oneself to the point of not finding rest (2:23). 
  4. Human envy (4:4)
  5. Riches (4:8). Why would God promise to bless Solomon with something that would only leave him empty? Because he had to realize towards the end of his life, as he reminisced and looked back on his legacy and accomplishments, that none of those things mattered in accordance to building a relationship with the Father, spending time in His presence and keeping eternity in perspective!
  6. Popularity because you will be forgotten (4:16)
  7. Greed (5:10). Some spend their entire life in the pursuit of riches and never allow themselves to enjoy it (6:2)
  8. Foolishness (7:6).
If you had these pursuits as your top priority, it is now time to shift gears, repent and keep the main thing the main thing! Focus on building your relationship with God and living a life filled with gratitude and thanksgiving towards the LORD. Then, focus on family, being there for them and loving them with the love of Christ. Finally, let everything else flow from that place. When you do, then you will see how much greater life can be to enjoy rather than look back down the road and only have regrets and see vanity!