Take Advantage of Ignorance

2 Corinthians 2:11 says, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

The Passion translation says, “So that we would not be exploited by the adversary, Satan, for we know his clever schemes.” If we recognize the strategies of Satan’s kingdom, we will not fall asleep (Matthew 26:41) and be blinded to the big picture of what he is trying to accomplish. Satan wants to exploit our weaknesses through ignorance, which is not stupidity, but rather unknowingly recognize when and how he operates. He always takes advantage of the slumbering church through complacency. It is a slumbering church that permitted prayer to be taken out of school. Although students can pray any time they want, the jobs of many teachers and public school faculty and staff have been threatened in the name of religion. All of this happened because one atheist was offended, angry and determined to get her way. It is a modern-day slumbering church is so focused on the rapture of the church that they refused to labor in evangelism, pray and win souls to Christ because they just want to make sure they themselves make it through the pearly gates. Their mindset is that the world is going to hell and there is nothing they can do about it. As a result, the enemy is taking advantage of people’s ignorance when we have a bride to purify and a kingdom to advance for His glory!

We must refused to be ignorant of Satan’s devices. The word “devices” means “thoughts, purposes, or designs”.
In context to this scripture, the church of Corinth could fall prey to Satan’s thoughts if they refused to forgive those members of the church who have sinned.  By holding onto a condemning and judging attitude rather than leading a path to restoration, the outcast could make his bed in hell. On the other hand, hardness of heart towards members of the body who have fallen short could create a wedge of division and do so much more harm than good in the name of manmade holiness! We must step outside of a limited, selfish box and realize the true purpose of Satan’s plans, which is to divide and conquer.