A Time for Every Purpose!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV) says, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.”
The Book of Ecclesiastes is full of nuggets of wisdom, and the most preached of these is founded in chapter 3 when Solomon mentions that with everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven! Some seasons are definitely more enjoyable than others! The seasons of planting, building up and healing are definitely more enjoyable than uprooting, tearing down and killing our flesh and those things necessary that are hindering our growth in the LORD. How we respond in those difficult seasons can be influential in determining how fruitful we will be in the next!
Early in creation God created seasons for a purpose (Genesis 1:14). It is up to us to recognize the season that we are in and function the way God desires for us to! In the Old Testament, the dominant harvests were barley in the spring, wheat in the summer and grapes in the fall. They couldn’t be working for grapes in the spring because there was a different harvest to tend to! By looking at the calendar of heaven and discerning the changes of the weather can allow us to move in God’s timing to labor in the right harvest!
Have you ever heard of seasonal depression? Many people are afraid to admit they struggle with it, but once you get through the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in particular, January and February for a lot of people can be depressing because there is not much to look forward to during those times but snow and nasty weather. The purpose of seasons is not to make us depressed when things do not go according to plan, but it is to alter our way of thinking to seek the LORD in fulfilling the purpose He has for us right now!
You will go through seasons and moments where you may be laboring a great deal in ministry, and there may be times you rest, allow God to peel back the layers that are hindering your relationship with Him so you can draw closer to Him! Therefore, you may not see productivity and be in time of reaping 24/7, but where you are now is preparing you for the next season in your life! Just recognize where you are now and where God desires to take you. Fully submit to His direction and purpose, and you will find a greater level of fulfillment!