Mounting Up on Eagle’s Wings

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Eagles are one of the most majestic birds God has created Known for their vision, eagles do not fly in a flock, but they fly alone. They can attack their prey from miles upon miles away as they soar in the beautiful blue skies! However, they do not always appear so beautiful and majestic as kings of the air. In fact, they go through a process called molting. 
During the molting process, an eagle will lose its feathers, almost appearing sickly. They may even have a calcium buildup on their beaks. While they may not be able to fly or eat as they did before, they will begin to grow new feathers as their strength is renewed. They will come through the process, looking better and feeling stronger than ever before! 
Right now, you may have feel like you are going through the molting process, but that is not the end of the story. If you want to mount up with wings like eagles, soaring to levels you have never been before, then you have to shed some old feathers. You must do away with the old habits that interfere with where God wants to take you. Some people may rule you out right now as incapable, insignificant and unqualified, but don’t settle with where you are, and never allow others to determine your faith or relationship with God! It’s not over until God says that it is over!