Developing Friendships

Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”

One area in which the church must become better is in the realm of developing friendships. Oftentimes we come to church and only socialize with people we know. We do not take the necessary to get connected with new visitors or people who are possibly looking at becoming members. We need to change in such a way that we become the conduits of God’s love to those who need it most because more than likely they are coming to church in order to find answers to what they are facing.

The #1 way we change our approach to connecting with new people is opening a line of communication. We have to step out of our shell and talk to people. Just as Solomon said, in order to have friends, one must show himself or herself friendly, and the main way to do that is by speaking with people. Through the proper communication, we totally do away with a judgmental attitude, and we show people that they are not a number to the church, but that we really care about them. For me, personally, I do much better with a crowd of people than I do one-on-one. However, this fact does not exclude me from developing friendships with others. We all have to serve as the perfect example of Jesus Christ, who is a friend that sticks closer than any brother! So, make it a goal to be friendly and encourage people in their faith in God!