Attacking in Infancy

John 8:44 (TPT) says, “You are the offspring of your father, the devil, and you serve your father very well, passionately carrying out his desires. He’s been a murderer right from the start! He never stood with the One who is the true Prince, for he’s full of nothing but lies—lying is his native tongue (doing what is natural to him). He is a master of deception and the father of lies!”
The first strategy the enemy uses is to attack in infancy. The enemy recognizes who you are now, but he also can see your potential and longs to bury it. He was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44), and he has not changed. He sees potential in every human being, and he will do everything necessary to rob it if he can. But that is why you don’t! 
Three stories in the Bible validate this strategy. A new king of Egypt, who did not know Joseph, ordered for the killing of all sons who were born of the children of Israel (Ex. 1:15-16). An old tradition states that he dreamed of a balance with all of Egypt on one scale and a lamb on the other, which outweighed Egypt. The magicians interpreted this to mean that a child was soon to be born in Israel that would destroy all of Egypt (Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, p. 65).This would refer to Moses, who would lead over 6 million Jewish people out of Egyptian bondage into the wilderness. Moses became one of, if not the greatest leader, in world history, and the enemy recognized it, but he could do absolutely nothing to derail the plans and purposes of God. When you align your heart with the heart of the Father, the enemy will never be able to rob you of your potential. In fact, you will fulfill it! 
The second example is when King Herod ordered for the death of every child 2 years and under because the three wise men came to him, telling him that they had seen the Star of Bethlehem, indicating to them that a Governor would soon be born to rule God’s people, Israel (Matthew 2:2, 6, 16). However, Joseph was warned by an angel in a dream, and he took his family and fled to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15). This, of course, referred to Jesus Christ, and we definitely know His story! 

The third story is found in the Book of Job. Satan has a conversation with God about Job, and God defends Job’s integrity. Satan accuses Job that he would deny God if he could get to him, but God limits the enemy from touching him. During this moment, Job’s oxen and sheep were stolen, most of his servants died, and his sheep and children died (Job 1:6-19). Satan couldn’t get to Job’s children until he first got to the animals for the purpose of sacrifices! Job’s response was to fall down and worship (Job 1:20-22). You need to live such a life before God that heaven converses about you and that the King of the universe defends you! The greatest trick the enemy can play on you is when you do not realize who you are in God and who God is in you! The simplest response to Satan’s attacks is to worship God. The glory of the LORD inhabits pure worship, and when your worship draws Him near, His presence will defend you!

The bullseye was still on Job’s back, as Satan would have another conversation with God, and the result was his body being covered with boils. Yet, he never cursed God, even though his wife urged him to. His response was, “You speak like a foolish woman” (Job 2:1-10). Job was a threat to Satan’s kingdom, and he wanted to annihilate that voice before it could come to full maturity. The enemy wanted nothing more than to bury Job’s potential, but he would remain faithful through it all.  At the end of the Book of Job, God overturned Job’s captivity, giving him a new family and restored twice as much as he had before once he forgave his friends, who so wrongly accused him (Job 42:10-17). His willingness to forgive his friends set the pace to walk in a dimension of supernatural blessing like he had never experienced before! 

You can fall short of your potential if you believe the lies of the enemy and give him access to destroy the purposes and dreams of heaven in your heart, but as a son or daughter of God, you have authority to live out His purposes for your life. He may attack you in infancy, but know who you are in God and what He wills to do for your life. You will overcome!