Dealing With Difficult People

James 1:19 says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”.

Whether it is in the church or outside of it, there are difficult people to deal with in this world. Here are some examples and what our approach should look like:
1) The Know-It All’s – “I told you so”, The Pharisees, those who always have an answer for everything, making excuses for every mistake. Do not engage in an argument because you will never win. Always stay humble in being willing and able to learn, knowing that you do not have all of the answers.
2) The Mouthy Ones – the gossip queens, those who always “mouth off” and “talk back” to anyone who is in authority. Do not hang with these people because they set a bad example. They can easily influence you to become rebellious and engage in unhealthy conversations that are detrimental to your spirit. Instead of walking in faith, you will be filled with negativity, and, before you know it, you will become miserable. You will be labeled as a “gossip”, which is the worst label you could ever wear. Criticizing without providing a solution does absolutely no good. It only causes chaos, bitterness, division and disorder.
3) The Loners – those who appear unreachable and keep to themselves. Show them the love of God as much as you can. Step outside of your shell to make yourself as available to them because you may not know exactly what they are going through, but by spending more time with them, they may open up to you or at least know someone cares about them.
4) The Social Media Freaks – those who post their life story on the Internet for the world to see, hoping to gain attention. Do not stalk their life story. Do not be drawn into and entertained by their drama. Stop following these people because you waste so much valuable and precious time that you cannot get back.
5) The Needy Type – always have to have a relationship in order to feel loved and secure, always wanting something as though never satisfied. Recognize when you become this person. Let the love of the Father fill every need in your life instead of depending on having sex to feel loved. When you come in contact with people like this, minister to them the love and grace of God, but do not let these people become leeches, sucking the very life out of you because they will. If you constantly usurp all of your energy upon people who refuse to change, you are getting nowhere because you are only wasting your time. When they sincerely want to change, then they will listen and prove it through their repentance! Give yourself space because if you continue to pour yourself out and you are never being filled with the Word and presence of God, you will always fill emptied and drained!